MWGM Ruffin is a retired United States Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. who served his country with more than 22 years of distinguished service, and culminated his career as Chief Enlisted Managers. During his 22 year career he has garnered many Air Force coveted awards in leadership such as the Commandant’s Leadership Award at the Non-commissioned Officers (NCO) and the Senior Non-commissioned Officers (SNCO) Academies, the Air Mobility Command NCO of the Year as well as being hand selected to serve as the Detachment Chief at Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) responsible for the transport of thousands of US Armed Force Combat troops to and from the Central Command AOR in the wake of September 11th 2001. He later deployed the desert as the Chief Enlisted Manager to the Commander of the 8th EAMS.
MWGM Ruffin was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Dover AFB Military Lodge No. 28 under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware while serving on a tour Dover Air Force Base in 1992. In 1992, MW Ruffin demitted to P.G. Porter Lodge No. 142 under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois while on assignment at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. He served in several capacities there to include Secretary and Senior Deacon. In 1993, transferred to I. H. Kelley Lodge No.11, PHA, in Belleville Illinois when the lodge was in a critical state near closure. MWGM Ruffin was compelled to support efforts to ensure the doors to the third oldest lodge in the state of Illinois under Prince Hall Masonry were able to stay open. He served as Senior Warden and today is pleased that these efforts were successful because I.H. Kelley No.11 is still operating. In 1994, he transferred to Incirlik Air Base in Adana, Turkey where he continued his masonic travels by affiliating with the brothers of Fellowship Military Lodge No. 82 under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington State. After serving as Senior Warden, he was elected Worshipful Master of Nathaniel M. Adams, Jr. Military Lodge No. 29 in 2000. He later received his first appointment as Worshipful Assistant Grand Lecturer under Worshipful Grand Lecturer and Visitor Napoleon Jones. MWGM Ruffin has also served Dean of Instruction for the Masonic College Leadership Academy and as the Worshipful Chief of Staff, and then began the long climb up the ranks of the Worshipful Grand Steward and Grand Deacons.
MWGM Ruffin holds masonic membership in the following masonic organizations: (The 5th Elected Worshipful Master) Past Master of Nathaniel M. Adams Jr., Military Lodge No. 29; Past Commander-In-Chief, Johnnie L. Doctor Consistory No. 18; Past Chancellor Louis W. Roy Council of Deliberation, Orient of Washington DC, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, United Supreme Council, 33, SJ, PHA; Honorary Past Potentate, Mecca Temple No. 10, Washington, District of Columbia, AEAONMS; Past Patron, Queen Esther Chapter No. 1, OES-PHA, GTGC DC; Past Excellent High Priest, Mt Vernon Chapter No. 1, HRAM, President, Melchizedek Council No.1 Holy Order of the High Priesthood, Past Thrice Illustrious Master of King Solomon Council No. 1, Royal and Select Masters, Past Royal Chief Advisor Deborah Court, LOCOP; Past Eminent Commander of Simon Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, serves as the Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander for John W. Freeman Grand Commandery (DC). He is also a member of perpetuity in the Washington Chapter No. 3, National Sojourners. MW Ruffin is a Past President of the MWPHGL DC Masters and Wardens Council Active Member of Zerubbabel Court No. 1, HOJ, PHA (DC)
MWGM Ruffin holds membership in the following non-masonic organizations: Life Member, Disabled American Veteran (DAV); Gold Legacy Life Member, Veteran of Foreign Wars of the US (VFW); Life Member of the Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA); Paid Up for Life Member of The American Legion; Life Member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) DC Chapter; Life Member of Blacks in Government; The Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America and Jurisdiction; Sydney Mudd Elks Lodge No. 748, I.B.P.O.E.W.; Life Member, Phylaxis Society; Life Member, Scottish Rite Research Society; Chi Rho Fraternity, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliated and Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076