Ryisheed Wilson

Tony Nichols

PM Donald Quarles

PM Charles Nelson

On March 7, 1871, seven members of Hiram Lodge #4, gather at the home of Brother Mason S. Lowry at 40 Gay Street in Old Georgetown and organized this association. The object of this association was to request Hiram Lodge #4 to petition the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia to grant them a dispensation to form a new lodge. The dispensation was granted and the name Widow’s Son was selected for this lodge.

The first officers of this lodge were: John W. Hurd, WM; Mason S. Lowry, SW; George Jackson, JW; Joseph Williams, Treasure: and Barton Fisher, Secretary. Others present were: Brothers William Smith and William Harris.

Widow’s Son Lodge U.D. held its first communication on Tuesday, April 11, 1871, where the names of Robert Williams, SD; and Benjamin Daily, JD were recorded in the minutes. The Grand Master presented Widow’s Son with a Charter on Tuesday, November 10, 1871, thereby making it duly constituted Lodge.

The Lodge had two regular communications a month, the second and fourth Tuesday, until the Lodge left Georgetown to meet at 5th and Virginia Avenue, SE with the other lodges of this jurisdiction. It was then changed to the second Thursday of the month.

Widow’s Son Lodge No. 7 has had one hundred and twenty nine Past Masters. Some Masters served more than one year. In this jurisdiction, Widow’s Son has had two PM’s to serve more than one year. In this jurisdiction, Widow’s Son has had two PM’s to serve as Grand Master, in 1887-1889 John H. Lee and 1949-1950 Cyrus Parker. There have been numerous brothers pas and presently who served as Grand Lodge officers. Today’s Widow’s Son Lodge No. 7, a lodge built on the foundation of Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty and is blessed to sill have 35 living Past Masters.

The current members of Widow Son Lodge No. 7 are grateful to GOD, and all the pillars that have served before us, for the preservation of this Lodge for “149 years” of uninterrupted service.