Gregory Plunkett

Stanley Pope

PM Gary Monroe

Victor Robinson

In the year of 1871, Brothers Isaac Unkles, William Miller, James Collins, William Pearch, John H. Mitchell, Joseph Matthews and Philip Green, all members of Warren Lodge No. 8 and Pythagoras Lodge No. 9, conceived the idea that another Masonic Lodge was needed in the District of Columbia so they petitioned Most Worshipful Grand Master John F. Cook, Grand Master of the Jurisdiction, for a dispensation to form a new lodge. The dispensation was granted, and after serving the required time according to the Masonic law under dispensation, John F. Cook Lodge No 10, F &AM was dedicated and consecrated with corn, wine, and oil on April 10, 1873, with the following officers installed:

  1. WM Richard J. Collins
  2. SW Isaac H. Unkles
  3. JW William H. White
  4. Treasurer Joseph Harris
  5. Secretary George H. Lee
  6. SD Richard McClintock
  7. JD Phillip Green
  8. SS Anthony Coats
  9. JS Thomas Payne

John F. Cook Lodge No 10 was named after the Grand Master who was the longest serving Grand Master in our Jurisdiction to include issuing 6 new lodge dispensations under his ten-year tenure. Our Lodge also has been blessed to contribute to the Washington D.C. Jurisdiction a total of four Most Worshipful Past Grand Masters!

  1. William H. Jackson (1913)
  2. Charles Ford (1916)
  3. Simpson W. Wallace (1929)
  4. Curtis J. Blakley, Sr. (1948)

The 23 charter members of John F. Cook Lodge No. 10 worked diligently through many trying times and today’s members continue to strive to carry on the great tradition of service and charity in and about the lodge. We humbly continue to live up to our Masonic obligations by relieving the sick Master Masons, their widows and orphans, to the best of our ability, and give thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us and pray for His continued blessing and guidance in the years to come.