Email: cblue1914@gmail.com
Elgin L Funches, PM
Aubrey Hodge, PM
Ricardo Montague
Leroy McDonald, PM
March 22, 1916
4th Tuesday of each Month at 7:30 pm
This resume of the history of Corinthian Lodge No. 18, F. & A.M., is compiled from the Proceedings of the most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the District of Columbia for the years 1913-1916, Most Worshipful Grand Master Nelson E. Weatherless, Masonic Temple, 5th and Virginia Avenue S. E., Washington, D.C. The Grand Lodge Records show that Mr. C.W. Lewis organized a club which later became a Masonic Lodge in a spurious and clandestine body, Mr. Lewis was lead to believe that this body was legitimate, Mr. H.W.G. Crower, a member, on a visit to his home in Georgia learned that this Lodge was clandestine. This very unhappy situation was reported to the Lodge, which immediately withdrew from the clandestine organization and made application for membership to this Grand Lodge, now known as the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M., P.H.A. In a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge on April 30, 1915, Grand Master Weatherless, after hearing the favorable report of the five Past Masters appointed to investigate the petitioners, called together the officers of the Grand Lodge in an Occasional Lodge, healed the men and set them apart as a Lodge under dispensation until the next regular Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge on December 8, 1915, and to be known as Corinthian Lodge No. 18. The appointed acting U.D. officers were W.M. Paul R. Stewart; S.W. S.T. Craig; J.W. Ernest Dickerson; Treasurer J.N. Lomax; Secretary Joseph Lawson; S.D. John D. Howard; Chaplain Rev. Charles Parker; Tiler H.C. Irving. At the closing Session of the Sixty-eight Annual Grand Communication, on December 27, 1915, our reports were made, fees paid and the Warrant was granted. On March 22, 1916, the Grand Lodge, in Special Communication, Consecrated, Dedicated and Constituted Corinthian Lodge No. 18 a regular Lodge in this Jurisdiction. The first elected officers were Emory B. Smith, Worshipful Master, Robert G. McGuire, Senior Warden, and Walter T. Dixon, Junior Warden.
Down through the years Corinthian Lodge has closely adhered to the true principles of Masonry and the practice of its every commendable act. Men of talent and letters have contributed greatly to the Lodge’s progress. Corinthian lists among its votarists in the Grand Lodge, two Grand Masters, Frank D. McKinney (deceased); C.C.F.C. Clifton O. Lyles (deceased); Chairman of several committees, Grand Legal Advisor, Assistant Grand Secretary and a Grand Lecturer, Grand Trustee William B. Gordon, Grand Trustee LeRoy A. Smith, Assistant Grand Inspector Emeritus, Calvin T. Lee, Grand Orator Emeritus Norman O. Brooks, and Assistant Grand Inspector, James M. Ware, Sr.
As the past history of Corinthian Lodge has been carved and not written in the sands of the shore to be washed away as the tide ebbs and flows.